How We Work

10874031_10153410148747995_393327053_oPostage is not included but seldom more than R100 anywhere in the country, overnight.

We are not VAT VENDORS so we don’t charge VAT.


If artwork is not supplied in print ready format then we use the services of a Graphic Designer. She  gives us a huge discounts and it work out to R200.00 per design. Please note that if it is 3 different designs on the three banners then it will be R200 per design. (So that will work out at R600 in total) It is cheaper to keep the design the same but not always what you want. Some clients prefer three different designs on their banner special.


50% Deposit

On completion we will take a photo of your banners and send the photo to you. If you happy you make final payment and we post it off to you.

We would love to work with you on this project. Please let me know if I need to send you an invoice so that you can make the deposit.